Sparkling White :-)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Both of my mock boards have been really disappointing. I feel like have learned a lot from them, which is really the point, but I also felt like I should have done better. Now I feel like I have a huge mountain to climb in terms of what I have to accomplish in the next couple of months. Due to having bad luck with patients, I am really behind. I feel like I keep coming to clinic only to be presented with yet ANOTHER requirement I DON'T NEED!!!!! It's so frustrating, because I am in a hole and have no way of getting out. While other girls are getting the patients they need and moving forward I am just turning my wheels! I am trying to have a positive attitude, because I am going after patients that have not had their teeth cleaned in years, yet to only find out they are classified and 1B, 2, or 5.

Well, at least I have vented a bit. We will just have to see where this goes from here.


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