Sparkling White :-)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Production Day!!

I am glad that we are able to have this opportunity to see how are day will be in regular practice. I still feel that I need to work on organization and speed, but I do believe that within time I will achieve this. I am still trying to keep a positive attitude about finishing my requirements, but at this point I feel that I have a lot to still accomplish in a short amount of time. I had two children in the afternoon of my production day they kept me busy. I had a hard time with both of them with x-rays because they both had troubles biting down on the tab portion of film. Also it is hard for a six year old to stay still and I instructed him not to move, but he still did which I had to take both films all over again:( Also with his sister she I placed the pillows on the film so that it wouldn't bother floor of the mouth, but it still bothered her. I felt that I tried everything that I could possibly do. At the end of day I was glad it was over:)


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