Sparkling White :-)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Challenging Experience

Last week in clinic I had a challenging class II patient, I enjoyed the experience. I was able to work with my gracey's instruments which I feel that I don't have a lot of experience with. My patient had challenging deep pocket on tooth #9 to scale. Professor Costley was very helpful in showing helpful ways of removing calculus and what instruments would be beneficial for that specific area. I was also able to pass off my last PE which was quite a relief off my shoulders. I passed off the air-powder polishing PE on my mom which was a lot of fun to see the extrinsic stain removed on her anterior teeth.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Clinical Assistant

It had been over a month since the last time that I was clinic assistant. Mrs. Campbell had to refresh my memory on a lot of the duties. I only have to pass off one more PE which is the air-powder polishing which I am going to pass off tommorrow in clinic on my mom because she does have some staining on her teeth from all the years of drinking tea. I still have 3 quads to finish on my class 3 patient and I still need to do one more sealant. Hopefully, I will finish next week!!!

Clinical Assistant

It had been over a month since the last time that I was clinic assistant. I forgot a lot how to do a lot of things. I had to be reminded of how to do a lot of things. Mrs. Campbell had to refresh my memory on a lot of the duties. I only have to pass off one more PE which is the air-powder polishing which I am going to pass off tommorrow in clinic on my mom because she does have some staining on her teeth from all the years of drinking tea. I still have 3 quads to finish on my class 3 patient and I still need to one more sealant. Hopefully, I will finish next week!!!

VA Experience

I thought that going to the VA hospital was a great experience for me, I was able to see how they do things differently at VA than at clinic. I was able to observe the senior students instrumentation which is helpful because I can learn different ways. I was able to accomplish a lot while I was there. Brittany, Heidi, Shar, and Jeff were helpful in showing me around the VA. I really did enjoy my experience at the VA hospital!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Process Evaluations

I am getting I still have a lot of process evaluations to pass off. I wasn't able to pass off PE today because we were a little short handed this morning in clinic. I was able to do a sealant on my nephew which was great because now I only need one more patient for sealants.